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Author search: Mulder

Bo Selecta! Carting
AuthorAllen 'Mulder' Doe
FilenameBoSelectaCarting.tzx BoSelectaCarting.z80
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DescriptionCreated using BASin (tchoh!) and BMP2SCR (tsk!) - can't any of you lot use a good old real Speccy to write your programs anymore? Can't handle the keywords, eh? Well, utilities can't substitute for talent, as is demonstrated by the loading screen. It's completely rubbish - a straight port from some picture off the internet with a messy/lazy attempt at adding some colour (why is the neck brace red?). There's been no attempt to add the proper title of the game either. Rushed, perhaps?

Still, a licence tie-in with Bo Selecta is bound to open all sorts of possibilities. The opportunity to create a fantastic game jam-packed with all the hilarious catchphrases from this outrageously naughty TV show is just to good to miss, surely? All the characters from the show could make an appearance and there could be all manner of wacky tasks to solve. It ought to be proper bo!

But oh dear oh dear oh dear. It's obvious that Allen programmed the game in his sleep before he'd remotely considered any sort of plot, then decided to add the Bo Selecta tag to hype it up as a total afterthought. Apart from the loading screen, a feeble plot with a mention of "Avid" on the title screen and a swear word on the game over screen, there is absolutely NOTHING to connect the actual game to the TV programme whatsoever!

It's just the usual UDG crap, and the usual gameplay. And I mean usual. All you have to do is steer your cart left and right to mow down the people that appear. Sorry, I mean drive up to the celebrities to collect their autographs. Oh, and avoid the trees. There is no time limit. No moving baddies. No change in speed or difficulty level. No goal to aim for. No way to resist pressing the reset button after 30 seconds play. Deja vu? Just a bit...

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Bo Selecta! Diving
AuthorAllen 'Mulder' Doe
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DescriptionOh crisps on a bike! Not another idea/code recycle from Mr Doe? Yes, I'm afraid it is. It's pretty much the same game as 'Bo Selecta! Racing' but at least Allen has made a bit more effort to tidy the loading screen this time.

As usual, the connection with the TV programme of the same name is tenuous. You just control a diver (Avid, of course) who has to pick up clams from the seabed (because they have autographs in them, or something). Consequently, most of the screen is a waste of space as the player spends the entire game floating along the bottom. Obviously, Avid's oxygen tank never needs replenishing, as this would have involved having to swim up to the top of the screen occasionally and that would make the gameplay far too absorbing.

Needless to say, it passes the crap test with flying colours.

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
AuthorAllen 'Mulder' Doe
FilenameGrandTheftAutoViceCity.tzx GrandTheftAutoViceCity.tap
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DescriptionDon't believe the hype! Don't be fooled by the name! It's not what you think it is, warez kiddies! This is a multiload game with three levels (one per load). There is no proper ending, because the author expects people to add their own custom levels after level 3. Alas, I've found I don't quite have the time (or so much as a modicum of enthusiasm) to do this.

You may think the game is a multiload because it's so jam-packed with code, but as usual you'd be wrong. It's because each level is so similar, codewise - the author (using BASin) simply rehashed the same code for each part, tweaking the graphics a little and pretty much sod all else. Lazy!

The gameplay is typical slow UDG crap. The first level is too easy. The second level is nearly impossible. The third level is touch and go, but at least it looks different to the first two levels - boats instead of cars. Oh the variety!

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AuthorAllen 'Mulder' Doe
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DescriptionAs if Allen hadn't already rehashed the same code enough with his previous game, here's another game he's knocked out with much the same code and graphics. This time, the game bears a close resemblance to Race Ace (from the Don't Buy This! compilation), except the track is more boring.

It's not too difficult to win because, due to the track being so wide and the complete absence of any other cars to race against, crashing is a very rare occurance - unless you fall asleep at the wheel which is highly likely I suppose.

I discovered it's much more fun to drive through the chequered flag at the bottom and plow mercilessly into the assembled crowd, causing death, mayhem and needless suffering! My highest bodycount score so far is 31. Can anyone beat this?

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Mrs. Nibbs Cupcake Capers
FormatZX Spectrum 48K
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DescriptionUse QAOP keys to move Mrs Nibbs around the screen collecting all cupcakes whilst avoiding the mutant vegeatables. Read the full backstory in the supplied cupcake.txt file. Mulder tells me that the game was made with Jonathan Cauldwell's AGD. Nicely drawn sprites and fast paced arcade action make this one truly worthy of the Crap game arcade! It's also a nice touch to restart the game on the level you previously died on. However, completing the level is no piece of cake! So, what's crap about it? Well on my system any sprite on the second row down of the play area flickers, but that of course could just be my emulator setup. Still this is the CGC, so fair play to Mulder if that flicker is actually a crafty crapness feature coded into the game.
CommentsNo I'm sorry, this is just too damn good. Back in the day I paid good money for games that were far worse than this one. It would have been rejected from the cassette 50 compilation due to appearing far too skilfully drawn and would no doubt be exploited as a separate commercial offering (not the only one in the compo I feel this applies to). Amusing back story and interesting development paradigm certainly makes it a worthwhile and unique entry to the CGC and the whole concept is tantalisingly crap. However, back in 1983 it wouldn't have been, so it only gets a low crapness score, yet plenty of playing time by me!

Hammy Time
FormatZX Spectrum 48K
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DescriptionIt's Hammy Time! When it comes to hamster-in-a-wheel falling games, u can't touch this. Guide our furry friend to the left or right, using Z & M keys. Watch out because both the ceiling and floor are lethal and there are other hazards too. Try to survive for as long as possible and also hear the delightful blip on catching a magenta bonus life object. The shape of the play area is comparable to that of Tetris type games and necessarily so. Also features full-colour hi-res graphics and with some apt sound effects. I personally found the game difficult to start off with and kept dying right away. I also initially thought the animal inside the wheel looked like a cat! But, just about the time I wrote this, I started to get just a little better at the game, getting a feel for the timing of it.
CommentsThis game is great. We can overlook the fact that Hammy the Hamster looks like a circus trained cat in this one, because it is just so darn enjoyable and colourful into the bargain too - the crap fun factor is high in this one. Although I fear if this was submitted for inclusion on the original cascade tape, the prompt response would have been Sorry, but we already filled our quota of one good game - frogger, we are looking for 49 crap games. Tell you what, this one'll be a budget ?1.99 release all of its own - how's that sound?

Stay on the Road
FormatZX Spectrum 48K
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DescriptionDo you know anyone who is about to go in for their driving test? If so, then this game may prove somewhat useful. It teaches a fundamental first lesson of driving namely (1) Stay On The Road. Drive merrily along in this Krypton Factor style test of driving skill as you drive through the green belt towards a distant yellow metropolis. You must do your very best to keep the car away from the edges whilst avoiding being put off by the "strobing" effect of the road. Remember, Keep off the grass! Drive carefully, and bear in mind that by improving your steering skills, this game may one day save your life.
CommentsNow, that's what I call crap volume 1! A fine example of a game that has you "on the road to nowhere". A good crapness idea to have the green road effect obscure the player's car sprite at regular intervals and also have certain long, sharp corners seem almost impossible to escape from. You've just gotta love that extra touch of the block-graphic solitary cloud hanging in the sky. Indeed, a perfect day for driving towards the seemingly unreachable distant metropolis! Outrun it ain't, but for the crap game compo, it's just what the doctor ordered!

Ultimate Jetpack Simulator 2008
FormatZX Spectrum 48K
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DescriptionPress SPACE to activate the jetpack as you travel through the sideways scrolling cave. You have a limited amount of energy available which will start to decrease if you happen to encroach outside the cave boundaries. Mulder tells me that the game gets silly by about level 21. Can you last that long? Features a full high-res UDG player character! Now you know how difficult it must be to perform repairs on the channel tunnel.
CommentsA nice little exercise in infinite futility appears as you guide what I initially though was a pregnant woman down an un-ending tunnel. Oh no, wait that's not a expectant mother, it's the rocket booster strap making a bulge over the player character's belly! Truly though I was impressed, this is the sort of thing they would have loved to put in the Cassette 50 compilation, of that I have no doubt. We also know this one has depth, because (a) it takes place under the ground and (b) it starts to get difficult by level 21! In any case, Mulder is no doubt glad he wrote this one, after all it did win the CSSCGC 2008 raffle.

Reasonably Constant Alien Attack
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DescriptionThis is a very polished space invaders clone (in fact it plays more like a demo of an unfinished game than a CGC entry!)

The game features smooth scrolling sprites and AY sound effects.

It does begin to get tedious of course, the alien attack being reasonably constant... I have no idea if there is a win condition, I suspect you just play for as long as you can be bothered clocking up a higher and higher score.

tzx file here
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Homeless Horace
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DescriptionHorace in hard times
Comments Mulder has treated us here with a Horace spin off.  Now apparently, some of you don't actually copy the spectrum tap files to tape and load them into real spectrums a la 1980s.  If that is you, then (1) get a life and (2) I recommend you switch off flash loading on your favourite emulator and check out the loading screen of this game.  After you have feast your eyes on the loader, you should be ready for some Hot Horace action!

Carrying on from the original Horace series and based on Horace and the Mystic Woods, this game sees Horace in leaner times as a Wino.  If you ever wondered what happened to Horace after that unfortunate Spiders incident, well, now you know!

Horace footstep animation is true to form and animation in general is smooth if not a little flickery.  Collision detection is a mite harsh however (most likely character based, in X at least).  Colours are ok but don't play on a dark screen as the blue sprites on black background cause a bit of eyestrain which should win a couple of points IMHO.

On a final note, screen #1 does have a Central Cavern feel to it, don't ya think?

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