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Crap Game Finder

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Phrase search: 704.tzx

Year search: 2006
Judge: Matt Rudge [Official Site]

AuthorChris (Windmill) Walsh
Download Archive
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Description704 is your classic ZX Spectrum version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey (not a real donkey, though, just in case any PETA-types are reading this!) except with much worse graphics. 704 is so called, because there are 704 known gangs in Southern Nevada with over 7,000 members. Once you play, you'll see the connection. Or it could be because it's for 1 to 704 players, although I was unable to test this because I could only find 702 other people to play the game with.

Crap Factor: 7.9  Technical Ingenuity: 5.1  Achievement: 6.7  Fun: 5.4

Total: 25.1

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