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Crap Game Finder

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Phrase search: CAT.SNA

Year search: 1996
Judge: Blood

Cat + Mouse
AuthorIan Collier
PositionNo ranking
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DescriptionAnother attempt at a keyboard tutor. Did I have education on the brain when I wrote these or what?
CommentsWho would have thought that learning to type could BLOW YOUR MIND?!?!? Take on the role of a wacky mouse sprite as you try to escape from the wacky cat sprite by pressing the keys shown on the screen! But be careful, that darned cat won't give up without a fight! FANTASTIC DISNEY-QUALITY CARTOON GRAPHICS make this one of the BEST LOOKING EDUTAINMENT packages in the WORLD! You'll want to play this one OVER AND OVER AGAIN, even when you can type at 2000 words per minute!

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