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Phrase search: NunsAndCrucifixes.z80

Year search: 2004
Judge: Jim Langmead [Official Site]

Nuns And Crucifixes
AuthorBen 'Mustrum Ridcully' Rapier
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DescriptionThere's something familiar about this game, but I can't quite figure out what it is. Anyway, it's nice to have something original and different entered into the CGC, what with all the ridiculous number of annoying Noughts And Crosses clones I've had to put up with lately that have been driving me to the point of madness.

This is a nice religious strategic puzzle game that will keep you coming back for more. You will never get bored of it. What's more, it's a two player game only (I can only assume it would have been impossible to program the advanced AI required for the computer to be able to play against a human). Why not invite some friends over and have a 'Nuns and Crucifixes' championship? This is the new Chess for a new generation! It's more mindbending than the Rubik's Cube! How the author has managed to come up with the concept of this masterful work, I can only imagine. Simply astounding originality. Perfection.

I lie, of course.

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