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CGC 2007
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Phrase search: SK3.SNA
Year search: 2000 Judge: Graham Goring [Official Site]
SK Print |
Author | Andrew Owen | |
Filename | SK3.SNA |
Year | 2000 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
Download Archive |
Visit this game's wiki page for player comments, docs, discussion etc |
Description | This is my attempt to revive the ancient tradition of submitting entries for CSSCGC which are not actually games although I doubt anyone will actually find it useful.SK Print(TM) FAQ:1: WHAT IS IT?One of the many annoying things about the Spectrum was that it could not print the full ASCII character set. Until now. |
Comments | Well blow me if this isn't a genuinely useful program! What the hell is it doing here? Basically, as far as I can tell by looking at the readme file this allows you to use the whole ASCII character set on the Speccy. Now, for me this is of very little consequence but had this been on the front of YS at some point in the late 80's I'm willing to bet at least one balding pillock would have wet his pants in excitement. Anyway, it's not a game and the somewhat technical instructions have made me feel very inferior so it's not winning. |
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