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Crap Game Finder

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Phrase search: wcm.tap

Year search: 2006
Judge: Matt Rudge [Official Site]

World Cup Mania
AuthorChris Young
Download Archive
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DescriptionShow your support for England by collecting the tacky stick-on flags for your car in this snake-game-with-a-twist-that-isn't. Realistic engine noises add to the fun. Unfortunately it's only possible to play this game at normal speed if you are now 4 years old and expect to live to 110. Otherwise - crank up the speed of your emulator, but then the pleasing engine noise starts to sound like my neighbour's scooter. Oh well.

Crap Factor: 8.6  Technical Ingenuity: 6.6  Achievement: 5.0  Fun: 2.8

Total: 23

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