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Year search: 1999 Judge: Alistair Nelson & Graham Goring
Aberdeen |
Author | Niall De Arab | |
Filename | Aberdeen.tzx |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You have to get the University in the city of Aberdeen. Follow the on screeen instructions and you can't go wrong. |
Comments | Alistair: Having visited Aberdeen myself I can honestly say that this is a fair representation of the Granite city. Graham: This game loses out as it provides a valuable insight into why no-one should ever visit the God-forsaken titular city. |
Arklay FC |
Author | Niall De Arab | |
Filename | AFC3.TZX |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Try to save Arklay FC from having to merge with their neighbours Arklay United. Use the many options available to you to raise as much money as possible. |
Comments | Alistair: My favourite type of game, a footy management game, unfortunately you dont get to see the players palying. Its more of a boardroom simulator really. This one might have won but then as it is written by a Dundee United fan I didnt think they would be used to winning anything. Graham: I've never liked football management games and so this automatically fulfils the requirement of being crap by it's very nature. But it's not going to win, as I completed it on my first try and it didn't even force me to sit through a three minute rendition of "Here we go!" played on the BEEP chip. |
Little Batty |
Author | Emma Reeves | |
Filename | BATTY.SNA |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You play a bat that has to collect the fruit. Keys Q, A, O, P. |
Comments | Alistair: As Graham says a fun little game, it is truly crap though due to the fact that you can fly through the walls, but once again to good to be truly crap. Graham: This lost out simply because I actually had fun playing it, and therefor it must be of some merit, a fact that got disqualified instantaneously. |
Buffy The Vampire Slayer |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | buffy.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You must save Willow from the evil Master?!? Dunno what the hell to do other than press the number keys at random. |
Comments | Alistair: Having never got a chance to watch Buffy I cannot comment upon the quality of this tie in. However the presentaion of this is far to good to get this game to the top of the pile. Graham: This game had all the depth and playability of a normal TV/Movie gaming tie-ins and as such was indistinguishable from some of the best Spectrum licensed games like Knight Rider and Street Hawk. Sorry, far too good. |
Dodgy's Castle |
Author | Niall De Arab | |
Filename | Castle.tzx |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Guide Dopey round a castle. Its another adventure. |
Comments | Alistair: This is a truly crap game, it doesnt seem to have a parser at all and the concept is truly crap, in fact i would go so far as to say this game is shite. Graham: If there's anything more annoying than a text adventure, it's a text adventure that not only doesn't understand abbreviations for the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west but which also forces you to type in every instruction twice. Truly crap on every level, and as of now a excellent bet for winning the 1999 CSS CGC. |
Chemistry Test |
Author | Ian Collier | |
Filename | chemitest.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Do dull things with chemicals, like heat them and stuff like that then try to guess what they are. |
Comments | Alistair: Being a chemist I feelk that Ian was trying to stir up soem support from me, but little does he know that this is not the type of chemistry I like. Crap but just because so is most chemistry. Graham: This game sent me into a hypnotic state of boredom, and as such has a valuable future in the field of hypnotherapy, and is therefor anything but crap. However, should it ever be harnessed by Paul McKenna in the making of one of his dreadful TV shows, then it may be re-assessed. |
Class 1 Lawnmower Racing |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | class1.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Race against yourself in the thrilling world of lawnmower racing, choose the best machine you can to give you the best chance. |
Comments | Alistair: This game really captures the thrill of lawnmower racing, thats right it is dull, dull, dull, and very crap but once again this poor gameplay is not followed up with poor presentation. Graham: Although this game had lots of crapness, it was all over far too soon, and didn't force me to sit through any interminably long BEEP tunes when I won. So, again it lost. |
Class 2 Lawnmower Racing |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | class2.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Race against a friend in the thrilling world of lawnmower racing, choose the best machine you can to give you the best chance. |
Comments | Alistair: This game again really captures the thrill of lawnmower racing, thats right it is dull, dull, dull, and very crap but once again this poor gameplay is not followed up with poor presentation. But the inclusion of a two player mode is a real bonus as you fight over the keyboard. Graham: Very similar to it's 1 player precursor, this is in with a chance of winning due to it's cleverly exploiting the fact that once one player has started, as long as he doesn't release his key and can fend off the other player he'll win. Truly crap. |
Clifftop View |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | CLIFF.SNA |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You play a seagull trying to crap on peoples hats, keys are the cursor keys with 0 to fire. |
Comments | Alistair: I like the idea of this game, it is a crap idea. Unfortunately the gameplay is there and the design is far to good to win. Graham: As an accurate simulation of a Seagull this game excelled, and indeed is better than many of the titles that regularly top the Spectrum sales charts. It also includes a strategic element in the way it forces the player to balance the pros and cons of flying low to increase accuracy. Far too good to win. |
Curse of the sandwitch |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | CURSE.TAP |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You must overcome the curse of the Sandwitch, by playing through various levels. keys as per most adventure games. |
Comments | Alistair: I feel that Graham is a bit harsh with this game, true it has some crapness in it but i once again feel that this is of far too high a standard to be truly classed as crap. Graham: This had many elements of crapness that places it high among my possible winners, from massively long beep tunes (which are unfortunately in-tune, which does detract from the game's crapness level) to the fact that it's an adventure game (and I loathe those buggers). This is a game to look out for in the possible winner's pen. If anything can seriously harm this game's chances it the excellent usage of graphics that easily rivals the best that the GAC ever created... |
Enforcer, The |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | ENF1.SNA |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Kill the bad guys, using the keyboard. Make sure you kill the right one. |
Comments | Alistair: It has to be said that this game is definitely to good for this competition, form the graphics to the gameplay its all here. Graham: I would have happily paid ?7.99 for this game, such is my love of it's classic gameplay, and superb machine code music. I suggest that the author of this game immediately removes himself to the nearest software developer and uses this pinnacle of gaming excellence to get himself a job there. |
Europe Vision |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | europevision.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Play your favourite country in the Eurovision Song Contest. |
Comments | Alistair: A very crap game, in that i can't even get selectd for my country. A definite close thing for the title. Graham: This is a good attempt to capture all the crapness of the Eurovision Song Contest in gaming form. Unfortunately it's let down by the fact that I played it through to completion no less that four times and Ireland didn't win once, indicating that the programming behind the voting simulation is deeply flawed. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not, though. |
Fantastic Adventure |
Author | Wayne McQuilling | |
Filename | Fanadv.z80 |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Find your way out of the cellar. |
Comments | Alistair: A great little game and one of the few that I can finish, unfortunately the presentation at the begining is far too good to allow this game to win. Graham: This game boasts some lovely colour-cycling around the edge of the screen and it's this fact that ensures that it can't win because it really looked rather nice. Not even the fact that the game can be won with the single line "OPEN DOOR" can help this game snatch defeat from the jaws of success. |
Forgotten Village |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | Fgtn.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Something to do with a forgotten village i suspect :-) Its an adventure game. |
Comments | Alistair: Far too good once again, Gonad you must try harder. a nice little adventure game, ifi could find out what i was supposed to be doing :-). Graham: Despite being truly scared by the grisly opening loading screen, I ventured deeper into this game to find that it was a worryingly competent looking text adventure with good descriptions and an adequate parser. How this didn't end up on a Crash cover tape I'll never know. The battle sections of the game where also as exciting as any WWF match, and for all these reasons this game cannot be classed as crap, merely misguided. |
Hunchback 84 |
Author | Andrew Owen | |
Filename | Hnchbk84.sna |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Jump acros gaps to get to a rope. Keys are:O, P and SPACE |
Comments | Alistair: Reminds me of a C64 game, therefore crap cut not crap enough. Graham: Is no better or worse that any of the similarly themed games that Ocean released, however it did generate a "B Integer out of range" error message, which is my favourite kind of error message as it shows a true lack of coding talent. This is one to look out for. |
Honest Joe |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | Joe.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You play Joe and have to guide him around the town. Some of the names might sound familiar. |
Comments | Alistair: Another good game from the Gonad, but again too good to be classed as truly crap, as Graham says far too much fun to be crap. Graham: This game could have almost been a license of Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, a film that I immensely enjoyed. Unfortunately for the game, this mental association of mine means that I had nothing but fun in Joe's quest to gain ?100. Even when I was caught by the rozzers (ouch!). |
Manic Miner Pre-school Edition |
Author | Derek Jolly | |
Filename | MMPSCH.TAP |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Play Manic Miner, its a little easier than you will remember. |
Comments | Alistair: I love this game, the idea behind it is crap and the implementation is superbly crap. Its the type of game i would have expected in about 1983 not 1999. In my book the definite winner. Graham: A triumph of level design, and a game that almost ensured that Derek Jolly won for a second year running, until careful investigation upon my part revealed that he didn't even do all the coding himself, and that evidently some friend of his called Matthew Smith had collaborated with him in the production of the game. I also decided to disqualify him because the filename for his entry had more than three characters in it. |
Day in the Life of Mike the Mole, A |
Author | Niall De Arab | |
Filename | MOLE.TZX |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Guide your mole, Mike, through the maze. Fiendishly easy to do as there are no enemies. Keys are Q up, A down, O left, P right. |
Comments | Alistair: Far too good to be considered truly crap, the level design is amazing and all in only 11Kb. Graham: This is a fantastically playable game that relies upon split-second reactions and the the RND statement not conspiring to block your exit and make the game impossible to play. Far too enjoyable, but it does have a very nice error in the shape of a "3 subscript wrong" error when you start the game and press LEFT. Crap, but not crap enough. |
Mow Business |
Author | Matthew Westcott | |
Filename | MOW.TZX |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Another bloody lawnmower game. Mow lawns and thats about it. Redefinable keys. |
Comments | Alistair: A crap game but as there have been two other lawn mower based games this year then this cannot win, due to it being an over subscribed genre. Sorry but thats the way it goes :-) Graham: This is an attempt to update the traditional Lawm Mower Sim by including an extra level of complexity and therefor boredom to the equation by giving you a choice of four garden tools, which you can swap between at any time.Within seconds of starting the game I was utterly bored by this complete tripe. However it's not going to win in the hope that it'll disuade you people from producing more of these bloody lawn mower games... Grrr! |
Nails |
Author | Joe Mackay | |
Filename | nails.tzx |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Watch as lifes trials pass you buy and se your nails change levels. Truly engrossing. |
Comments | Alistair: Again not really a game, also the person who wrote this cannot win as they are at the same University that my brother works at. Graham: Without even going into the game proper, this game is my favourite by the virtue of having a loading screen that features "Vince" from the excellent Rex The Runt animation series. However, after going into the actual game, I find that it confounds me intensely by playing a BEEPed rendition of a tune from a cartoon that I can't remember the bloody name of, and further shoots itself in the foot by having a graphic description of the incredibly painful process of having your fingernails removed without anaesthetic |
Nuclear Reactions |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | Nuclear Reactions.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You control a nuclear power station with your humble spectrum. |
Comments | Alistair: A very crap game, but not crap enough due to the high quality of the graphics and overall presentation. Graham: This game immediately lost out due to it's stunning loading screen, which was far too good and made excellent use of colour. It also made out that I caused a nuclear meltdown, and I don't like having that kind of rumour spread about me. |
Octopus Lite |
Author | Andy Kavanagh | |
Filename | OCT.Z80 |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Keep your man free from the octopus as he gets the treasure. Havent a clue as to what the keys are :-( |
Comments | Alistair: Could have been crap if the movement of the octopus hadnt been so realistic. Again crap but not crap enough. A good attempt. Graham: This game is very similar to the Nintendo Game And Watch titles of the early 80's, and as such brought back many happy memories of school. A side-effect of this was that I found myself in too happy a mood to possibly be nasty about this game. |
Pod |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | POD.TAP |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Get Pod to do all manner of things by typing in your instructions. |
Comments | Alistair: I love this, its not really a game just a way of truly interacting with your computer, think tamagootchi only more advanced. Graham: Pod is a low-budget version of Little Computer People, and although in many ways crap it loses out by the amazing coincidence that it actually understood the first two words I typed in (those being "dance" and "jump") meaning that the programmer was far too thorough in his researching of the human experience and it's digital implementation. |
Playing With Polygons |
Author | Derek Jolly | |
Filename | polygons.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Mess about with a little grid to make pretty shapes. |
Comments | Alistair: Not a game but still a very good piece of coding, and a slap in the face for all those who thought the Spectrum could do good 3D graphics. Graham: Derek Jolly once again gets far too clever for his own good in providing a program that in no way can be considered a game, and which has only one practical use in that it can be used to generate a fairly authentic reproduction of the final boss of Arkanoid, "Doh". I was also expecting an entertaining game about dead parrots, so this one loses out by being neither a game, and also by breaching the trades and descriptions act. |
Rock, Scissors, Paper |
Author | Lee Osborne | |
Filename | Rock.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Play Rock, scissors, paper against your computer. |
Comments | Alistair: This game plays a lovely game of this ancient past time, unfortunately the AI is too good and the computer really knows what it is doing. Graham: This game captures all the excitement of the traditional game used to decided who will carry out some particularly vile task when a coin isn't available for the tossing. The programming is spot on, and the graphics clear and lovely. So it loses on every count. The loading picture is also very good, and the author does win some points for obliterating part of it with a blacked-out "Program:" message. |
Really Smart Game |
Author | Andy Kavanagh | |
Filename | RSG.Z80 |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Kill all the Mister Baddie men without losing your life. |
Comments | Alistair: A great game, i almost played it through to completion. Far too good for this competition, the fact that you have two weapons is also a minus for this game. Graham: Although it features excellent use of spelling mistakes this game loses out by including all the depth and subtlety of modern-day Japanese RPG's in it's battle system, while not encumbering the player with some tedious story about the fight between good and evil or the coming of age of some psychically gifted youth. Bad luck, Andy. |
Shut It! |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | shutit.tap |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Watch a car move very slowly towards you. |
Comments | Alistair: Again not really a game more an advert for the Sweeney, crap but not that carp also the graphics are in a different class. Graham: This games features a full motion video rendition of the beginning of the seminal police drama, The Sweeney (shown at approximately 1 frame every 20 seconds) and digitised speech. This places it on the same level of competence as most of Codemasters releases. It also features many excellent graphics, but it cleverly avoids including any gameplay, and so could indeed win the competition should every other participant die in a horrible kitchen appliance related disaster. |
Snow |
Author | Gonad The Barbarian | |
Filename | SNOW.TAP |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Watch some snowmen play with their bells. |
Comments | Alistair: Guess what this is another one that is not a game, also its a little out of season. Graham: This is a blatant rip-off of an old BBC-B program that was used at every opportunity every Christmas to annoy the hell out of the teachers. However this isn't Christmas, so this program simply served to remind me that the weather is far too hot and that I was pining for colder times. Grrr! |
Advanced Pro Wife Simulator |
Author | Andy Kavanagh | |
Filename | wife.z80 |
Year | 1999 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Before you decide to get married make sure you play this, it will really open your eyes. Make educated guesses as to what your wife wants to hear. Follow the onscreen instructions again. |
Comments | Alistair: This is an essential program for those people planning on getting married, and is just about classable as a game. Unfortunately the responses are far too realistic so no joy for this one. Graham: The rather nice looking machine code screen fade for this game made it look far too professional, and the software emulation of a wife's AI was much too realistic for this to be considered anything but a triumph of programming design. |
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