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Year search: 2003 Judge: Dave the Lurker [Official Site]
Amnesia |
Author | Paul Collins (Eq) | |
Filename | december/amnesia.tzx |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
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Description | Utterly linear in concept, this game involves moving about all the identical rooms and searching them all (by pressing the search key). After repeating this process about three times, you then have to type in about 100 similar phone numbers until you stumble across the correct one. And that's it. Total crap. I'm sure there was something else I meant to add, but.... nope sorry, it's gone... next! |
Comments | No comments |
Life |
Author | Stanley Hrda | |
Filename | december/life.z80 |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
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Description | Don't be overawed by the pretentious title, it's just a sort of low-resolution fractal generator, basically. And a crappy slow one at that (with the pathetic excuse of expecting you to run your emulator at full speed, which is not much good on a real Spectrum, is it?). After about half an hour you will have a screen full of character blocks in various random colours. There is no point to it. It pretends to be all clever and mathematical but it isn't. In 1954, it might've been impressive. But it's not. It's crap. |
Comments | No comments |
Mega Rally |
Author | Fikee | |
Filename | december/MegaRally.TZX |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
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Description | What's this then? - Introduction screen with custom scroller and an End game screen with animated spirally bits? Far too polished for a CSSCGC. Do animated explosions and machine code have a place in this competition? The one redeeming feature of this game is its sheer monotony - The only way to lose is if you fall asleep playing it. Thankfully the Intro and End Game are severely let down by a complete lack of gameplay. |
Comments | No comments |
RCSSCGC2003 Entry |
Author | Niall Wallace | |
Filename | december/NiallsEntrytoCSSCGC2003.tzx |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
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Description | Basic loader followed by speedloader for screen and data - says "get ready" press key - get basic string input request and gives a badly spelled message followed by a STOP statementHowever if you've not got anything more fun to do with your life, such as have your toenails ripped out - you can find other stuff in the listing - a crap, single input adventure game with yet more bad spelling and grammar that takes you to the same point whatever you said as the IF THEN GOTO for any other response other than "a girl" wasn't there to take you to another> section - which has more or less the same result than if you said "a girl" anyway. Truly abysmal - think I'll go and listen to The Smiths - Girlfriend In A Coma to cheer myself up. |
Comments | No comments |
Fruity |
Author | Garry Male | |
Filename | Fruity.tap |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
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Description | This arrived in my inbox with the following message: "I was just doing some general surfing, in particular looking for stuff about the Cascade 50 collection (which I only bought because it had a free calculator watch with it) when I came across the c.s.s.c.g.c. I thought I may as well have a go so here is my (first?) entry, a fruit machine sim. I'm not entirely sure whether I have got the right end of the stick, but I think it qualifies." It does indeed qualify Garry, it is badly programmed. half finished and has a really tuneless rendition of the death march. Wonderful, you have really got the hang of this CGC lark. |
Comments | No comments |
SpriteTest |
Author | Nick Fleming | |
Filename | |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
Distribution Denied |
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Description | Info from the author: Was cobbled together in about 2 evenings from "bits of machine code laying around". I've left in the test code (sprite wandering) because it seemed too dull without it. Source code has been provided as its more fun messing about with that than it is playing the game. It's also impossible to complete it without actually adding the 'game over' routines yourself. I can't be arsed personally. I only did it cos there was nowt on the telly. |
Comments | A game so crap that the author withdrew it from the compo soon after it was entered. |
ZX Maze |
Author | Santiago Romero | |
Filename | |
Year | 2003 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | Spectrum |
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Description | A good idea made crap by the inclusion of only one level. I'm sure if we all dug out those dusty C90s packed with half finished games we were writing back in the 80s/90s there would be plenty of games like this on there. Excellent! Because I'm feeling generous (not because it is playing with a new emulator, not at all -Ed) I've put an RZX of this game here (zxmaze.rzx). Just in case it is a bit hard for some (f'nar). |
Comments | No comments |
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