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Year search: 2009 Judge: Guesser [Official Site]
10 PRINT "Hello": GO TO 10 randomly lineinput version |
Author | Dr Beep | |
Filename | PG10.tap |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | This is a bizarre program, but since it has a score I suppose it must count as a game! You are trying to type the line "10 PRINT "Hello": GO TO 10" against the clock, but the keyword or letter to type is picked in a random order! It took me a while to realise that you don't have to shift the keys, e.g. to type the " character you simply hit 'P' on your keyboard. Apparently after completing the line, the time you have to hit the right key decreases each time.
I found it tremendously difficult to even get past the first level, but that's probably down to the pino grigio*
As you can see from the screenshot, the program filename makes good use of basic tokens to give a longer than usual "Program:" message
.tap file download
*Pino grigio sold separately |
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GarageBEEP2 |
Author | Andrew Owen | |
Filename | garageBEEP2.z80 |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Hmmm, I was sure I'd written in the rules that games this year had to be games... but apparently I didn't oh well. Whilst not being a game, this entry by Andrew Owen can still claim to be crap in that it's almost unusable without running your emulator at full speed! This looks to be a pretty handy utility for all the other crap game writers, and it even comes with an instantly recognisable demo tune! Strangely it wouldn't play any sounds in Spin, but was perfectly happy in fuse. The z80 snapshot is here
The instructions as e-mailed to me are:
All the keys are now self-evident, providing you have a round ENTER key and know exactly what I meant the icons to mean. Once you've SAVEd your tune you can LOAD it into your BASIC program with: LOAD "" DATA t()
Playback is done via: BEEP 240/(tempo*t(2,note)),t(1,note)
where tempo is the number of BPM and note is the note (1-1024)
If rests are required then you can test for notes with a period of zero and do a pause of the required length via: IF t(2,note)=0 THEN PAUSE rest
where rest is the length of rest, e.g. 240/(tempo*4) = quarter rest. |
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The Boris Becker Tennis 2009 |
Author | Simon Laszlo | |
Filename | BBTennis.tzx |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | This game starts off with a loading screen with the words "The Boris BECKER Tennis 2009". I'm glad they were there cause the picture itself appears to be of a man with second degree burns to his face, no eyes, and he's clearly quite upset by this terrible disfigurement, as he appears to be shaking Donald Duck by the neck with his raw fleshless arms...
The next thing that the game presents to us is far more pleasing to the eye. The game is compiled C (using the z88dk compiler) and has a nice 64 column printing routine. That's about all the praise I can think of for the game though. It invites me to play a game of tennis (in a text adventure stylee) against the former World No1 tennis champ Boris Becker. Maybe I'm being dumb but I can't for the life of me work out what I'm supposed to do (there is no manual) and whenever I press any key... well I won't spoil the game for you, you'll have to download it to find out |
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Attak! |
Author | Paul E Collins | |
Filename | Attak.tzx |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Attak! has all the makings of a proper crap game. The game responds slowly to input, the graphics are jerky, and the colours are blinding.
The author tells me that the game was written in 1992 and condemned to a dark corner of the archive until now [citation needed]
The game is a space invaders clone, and features AY music, and an exciting bonus level!
I gave up playing at level 5 as my eyes were beginning to bleed. Game not recommended for players with epilepsy...
tzx file |
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Author | Paul E Collins | |
Filename | PGD.tzx |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Paul writes: "Here's another early '90s effort from me. It's called "PGD" (Platform Game Designer), which amusingly was recently used by Jonathan Cauldwell for his rather more professional Spectrum tool for the same purpose. Fortunately Cauldwell agreed to an expensive out-of-court settlement."
By editing the image on the screen one can add walls, spikes, conveyors, etc. The F key allows you to finish drawing and test the game, be sure to save the level you have created before testing it as there is no way to go back!
Paul has included six sample levels, and warns that "there is rather buggy behaviour with ladders and spikes, which some of our levels exploit shamelessly." tzx file
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Riddle Master |
Author | Digital Prawn | |
Filename | riddle.tap |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Digital Prawn brings us an exciting text based adventure, based on a journey to spiritual enlightenment.
As you travel your long and winding path (okay I tell a lie, it's not winding at all) towards ultimate knowledge you are impeded by 10 pesky trolls (or is that just you standing in the middle of the road looking gormless?) posing curious riddles.
The game has a reasonably readable colour scheme, and starts off with a rather irritating tune composed with version 3 of Andrew Owen's GarageBEEP program. The answers to the riddles are stored in data statements encrypted with a highly (in)secure algorithm... quite pointless but rather nifty really. riddle.tap file |
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Spooki Castle |
Author | Paul E Collins (Paul Howard?) | |
Filename | spooki_castle.tzx |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Paul enters yet another game from the 90s to the compo here, another platformer. Your small character graphic (that looks suspiciously like one of the ghosts from pacman, especially when you lose a life and get a closeup...) can move left and right and jump to avoid the baddies moving around the rooms in his castle, and collect potions.
Apparently hitting switches opens doors in other rooms and there are various monsters and hazards.
As you can maybe guess I didn't get very far through the game before becoming frustrated with the terrible slowness of the controls (which are user definable by the way!) and repeatedly dying.
PLAY statements provide some fairly nice music and effects. Paul tells me that the game is incomplete, but anyone who manages to open and go down the trapdoor in the garden (which involves a traversal of all existing rooms) can consider himself to have won.
tzx file |
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TrickBall |
Author | Carlos | |
Filename | trickb1a.tzx |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | This is a very polished game from Carlos in Palma.
The game loads up to a title screen with a nice beeper tune, and leads the player into the game by following the instructions on screen. The game is one of those "follow the ball in the cup" things, with progressively difficult levels (I managed all the way up to level 8 so it can't be too hard!) The movement of the graphics is quite smooth, and a flashing border effect is used at the beginning of each level.
I'd be interested to know if anyone completes level 9, or whether it is a trick and goes on forever. I ran ZXSpin at full speed for about 5 minutes and didn't get to the end before giving up!
The tzx image is here |
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Shades of Dosh |
Author | John Young | |
Filename | sod.tap |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | An interesting (and surprisingly addictive) crap game concept, based on opening different coloured boxes each containing a different amount of money (I wonder where that idea came from...!)
You choose a box by colour, and wait as every second the amount of dosh you are gambling ticks up. When you hit a key that amount is banked and added to your total, but if you wait too long and the counter ticks above the value in the box you get nothing (also watch out for the counter occasionally skipping a value, don't know if this is a bug or a feature)
Finally the game ends with a stop statement which is just plain frustrating as it gives you no congraturations for winning (or instructions on how to claim your prize money)
tap file here. The game is well commented with REM statements
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Trashman |
Author | John Young | |
Filename | TrashMan.tap |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Yet another game from Polomint, this time starring a sanitation engineer called 'Olop' (hmmm...)
After a night of substance abuse you sustain a head injury and begin to hallucinate, your mission should you choose to accept it (in fact you have no choice in the matter, you should have thought about that before knocking back all those alcopops down at the roller-disco the night before!) is to shoot all the flying rubbish bins. You have thirty bullets in your bin disinfectant targeting thingummy to try to get as high a score as possible.
the tap file is here |
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Mega-Hi-Lo (Z80 rom edition) |
Author | John Young | |
Filename | MHLZ80E.tap |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Here's a great game for machine code buffs! See if you can get all the way through the "Z80 rom" (the system rom of the machine you are using) guessing if the next memory location in the rom will be higher or lower than the current one. If you get it wrong you lose and have to start again, can you get through all 16383 levels?!
an very interesting idea and neat execution, but possibly not the most exciting game in the world. Tap file here |
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Commode Nybbler Part Deux |
Author | Digital Prawn | |
Filename | |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | This game skirts *very* close to breaking Rule 1, in that it is VIC-20 based, written in 6502 assembler and running in James Smith's "Twenty Commodes" emulator for the ZX Spectrum.
(Un?)Luckily it's crap enough that this flagrant rule bending can be overlooked since it does achieve the intended result. Something that runs on a spectrum and is near unplayable!
This is a snake/worm type game using left/right style controls (anticlockwise/clockwise) and your snake/worm can move in 8 directions.
Eat the toilets to progress through the levels while avoiding hitting obstacles. There are ten levels in total but winning is "almost certainly impossible".
The .zip containing snapshot, manual, and 6502 source code is here> |
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See How Many Points You Can Score in the Allotted Time |
Author | Trellis | |
Filename | |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | The premise of this game should be obvious to all but the thickest skulled nitwits...
So to elaborate, See How Many Points You Can Score in the Allotted Time is a game in which upon starting the round a timer immediately begins counting down. You the player only have until this counter reaches zero in which to increase you score counter to as high a value as you can. In other words, see how many points you can score in the allotted time!
The game has a fairly nice in game tune, but this loops over and over until it drives you mad. The controls are fairly slow and there is no verification that input is valid.
The game teases you with the promise of a special treat if you achieve over 100 points, but I won't spoil the surprise, you'll have to play it for yourself.
The game is compiled basic and the zip file is here |
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Minemower |
Author | Chris Young | |
Filename | minemower.tap |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | You expect a lot from a "classic" genre like lawnmower racing simulations, and this game doesn't disappoint (well obviously it does, that's the idea of a crap game...). The game asks for two players to choose their lawnmower from a selection of fabulous models, all described with bucketfuls of creative flair. I discovered that two players aren't actually required (that's lucky, you billy no mates - Ed.) and the game can be played by ones self by simply utilising two fingers instead of the intended one.
the tap file is here
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Horace and the Boulders |
Author | Arda | |
Filename | Horace_and_the_boulders_SNAP.SNA |
Year | 2009 |
Position | 3 |
Format | 48K |
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Description | The instructions provided for this game are pretty vague: "controls are 67890" so I'll do my best to improvise...
Guide your little Horace sprite around the platform levels collecting things without getting hit by the (I presume) boulders which roll down from above. I picked up a key and so I presume that the item at the top of the level is a door to the next level... I never found out because the controls are infuriatingly awkward. Download the game to see what I mean |
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Balls! |
Author | Gavin Callard | |
Filename | balls.z80 |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Firstly let me state I have absolutely NO idea why this game is called balls... Perhaps this is just what you say when you lose?
The game features 4 players (three AI and one Human) each trying to reach a goal. You choose how many credits you want to spend (each credit moves you one step towards the goal) and race off against the other players to the target. The twist is that until you have spent your credits you don't know how far away the target will be!
The "graphics" are letters and symbols drawn on a grey background in classic CGC style
a z80 snapshot is available here |
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The Sinclair Tandoori |
Author | David Purcell | |
Filename | |
Year | 2009 |
Position | 2 |
Format | 48K |
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Description | This is your chance to experience the heady thrill of managing a popular ethnic food business! You've got a great high street venue, a 500 quid overdraft, and a store room full of miscellaneous meat. Can you turn this business into an overnight success? or will you be yet another victim of TESCO's buy one get one free jalfrezi ready meals?
Only time (and playing this game obviously) will tell!
tzx file and shiny PDF manual available here |
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Ultimate Car Park Simulator |
Author | Dr Beep | |
Filename | PARKING.TAP |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Dr Beep writes: "This game is based on the parking problems from a collegue. He bumped on the car behind and got a ticket for driving away after a collision. May this parksim help you park better than he did..."
Unfortunately I fared no better than the gentleman mentioned, smashing my Ferrari at immense speed into the Porsche behind. (probably my fault for putting the emulator into full speed)
The controls are the number keys corresponding to the 48k mode cursors, and the front wheels of the top parked car indicate the position of your own wheels.
download tap image |
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Sinclair Blind Flight Simulator 2009 for the ZX81 |
Author | Siggi | |
Filename | BFS81.P |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | ZX81 |
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Description | This is the first shameless rip off in this year's compo. Siggi says:
here is a game for a ZX81.
I made it by myself, but it is not more than a port of the Speccy game "Sinclair Blind Flight Simulator 2009 By Firelord".
But it think, all blind ZX81 fans should also have the chance to fly
The game is a direct copy with identical "gameplay mechanics" so if you can win the original, you will be an expert at the ported version too.
If you are Firelord's lawyers, Siggi is over there /me points
you can download the .p file here |
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Space Whale |
Author | Digital Prawn | |
Filename | space-whale.z80 |
Year | 2009 |
Position | No ranking |
Format | 48K |
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Description | Check out the parallax star field scrolling, and fast machine code sprites in this exciting space adventure. You are a space whale (yes a space whale! just because it's infinitely improbable doesn't mean they can't exist!) Your mission is to destroy the alien ship before it can report back to base. By shooting at it... I guess space whales have guns then. The collision detection increments your points, but doesn't seem to bother destroying the projectile!
Space Whale snapshot |
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