Ye Bigge Shoppe
6pm: Sainsbury's bread counter isn't it. Some bloke comes up to old Colin and I says to him, "Geez! Alright?" and he says, "Alright?" So, I explains to him my problem, that I need to sell my painting of mon mamamamon, what is fransays for "Culky's mum" and he says he's quite interested in buying mi painting. Thing is, he's skint. Oh well. Nearly got a buyer then, didn't it.
6:12 : The aisle with powdered foods and milkshake mix and that. I show my painting to some bloke. "That's a nice piece of work," he says. See, I told you it was a nice piece of work. That man's got class, real class.
Anyways, I've turned over a new leaf. I've given up fighting - care in the community, that's the name of the game. Fing is, Culky ain't doing too good at community care. No one wants my help isn't it, except a postman who I opened the door to some flats for. "Catch ya's later," I said to him. I bet I won't though, isn't it.