Trainspotters Through History (2)
A Series In Conversation With The World's Greatest Trainspotters
No 9725. Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell
Girl Power! Hello there! It's me, Ginger Spice Geri Halliwell, the one that was in the Spice Girls but left because I was too good. Anyway, now I've got a bit more time on my hands I've been looking for places to voice my famously strong opinions. For example, I was on the telly the other day, on the Big Breakfast programme and I was having an argument with Johnny Vaughan, who is nothing like his character in real life, about why girl bands are better than boy bands, and I won! Girl Power! It was so exciting my boobs almost popped out! In fact, they did! Anyway, it didn't matter, I won the argument, because I could shout louder than Johnny Vaughan so that must mean I was right. What's that? Trains? No, I don't like them. Because boys are more interested in them than snogging and putting their hands up your blouse. Anyway, must dash - I've got to search for a new job in the Watford Observer. Girl Power!